Friday, September 2, 2011

Predicacion / Preaching

Mayo 2011

Queremos compartir algunas fotos que tomamos durante la predicacion
por nuestro nuevo territorio.
Que les parece?  Es tan diferente que la ciudad, pero tan chevere.
We want to share some pictures that we have taken during preaching
in our new territory.
What do you think?  It's way different than in the city, but it's awesome.

If you preach at the beach might as well take a break during lunch and enjoy the view
Si tenemos que predicar por la playa, entonces por que no almorzar en la playa y disfrutar del paisaje

Los varones apoyando la predicacion
The men supporting the service group

Might as well do some touristy things, right?
Por que no hacer algunas cosas de turistas tambien?


Now this is going to be worth the reading, we had such an awesome experience.
It was passed 8pm and we are heading home after a looooong day in service.
A few weeks before, Mayi had found a couple of hispanic men that lived in this trailer and as we were passing by she suggests that we should go see if they are there.
(notice we dont have ties on, we were ready to go home and hit the bed, lol)

We found this man (Antonio) and we ended up talking for at least 30 minutes.
We showed him a few things in HIS bible because he questioned if what we were talking about was in HIS bible. 
When he saw GOD's name (Jehovah) in his bible, he was like, "what???"

He could not believe that it's right there in front of him and he had not seen it and no one had ever shown it to him.

We showed him a few more things and encouraged him to read thru the "Teach" book using his bible and find out more about Jehovah.

We have visited him a couple more times and its always around 8pm, when we are going back home after a long day in service.

The unfortunate part is the during the summers here, hispanics work so much that we barely find them at home.  We continue to encourage them to go to the meeting with us and see how it's going to benefit them, so we hope one day they show up.


Queremos compartir una experiencia bien chevere que tuvimos en el ministerio.
Eran mas de las 8pm y estabamos en camino a casa despues de un largo dia de servicio.
Unas semanas atras, Mayi encontro unos señores hispanos que viven en este trailer y cuando estabamos pasando por alli, ella sujiere que paremos a ver si estan.
(noten que ya no tenemos la corbata puesta, ya estabamos mentalmente en casa y en la cama, jajajaja)

Encontramos a este señor (Antonio) y terminamos hablando como 30 minutos con el.
Le estabamos mostrando unas cosas con su biblia por que el estaba cuestinando si lo que nosotros hablabamos estaba en SU biblia.
Cuando le mostramos el nombre de Dios (Jehova) en SU biblia, el se quedo bocabierto. 

No lo podia creer y queria saber por que el no lo habia encontrado antes y por que nadie se lo habia mostrado tampoco.

Le mostramos unas cositas mas y lo animamos a que se quedara con el libro "Enseña" y leyera mas sobre Jehova utilizando SU biblia.

Lo hemos visitado unas veces mas, igual despues de las 8pm.  Siempre en camino a casa despues de un laaaargo dia de servicio.

Hemos notado que durante el verano, los hispanos trabajan muy duro y casi nunca estan en casa.  Seguimos animandoles a ir a nuestra reunion para que vean como se pueden beneficiar de la informacion biblica, asi que esperamos que algun dia se aparescan.

Darwin y Mairelys Reyes

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